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The BHAWA Coordination Team are located at:

Northern TUC

First Floor, Unite House

John Dobson Street



Tel: 0191 227 5550


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Our Hospice values the health and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and the award is a fantastic way to be able to formalise our approach and provide a structure and focus to delivering health and wellbeing campaigns to our workforce.

The award has helped us to plan and focus more strategically on our priorities for campaigns and events with regards to health and wellbeing, following the structure provided by the award and with support from our workplace health lead.

- St Cuthbert’s Hospice, Durham

At the time of enrolling on the BHAWA SUEZ did not have any health strategies in place. We started off on a blank canvas and were given the freedom by the plant manager to run our first campaigns. The wider business soon caught on and we now have an amazing wellness for all charter and Wellbeing and Inclusion Manager.

It gave us the starting point to a wider company movement and now wellness is a hot topic for the whole business. Enrolling every year onto a new level gives the site its focus and an end aim of achieving the award. The award recognises good work we do, and we also received the special recognition award in 2022.

- SUEZ TeesValley, Stockton

We wanted to be able to share wellbeing initiatives we were proud of but at the same time receive feedback on anything that was missing or could be enhanced.

Love being part of the Award process - gives structure to our wellbeing plans for the year and showcases the amazing work our people do to support each other and our teams.

- EDF Energy, Sunderland

We wanted to provide staff with the tools and awareness to improve their health and wellbeing as well as improving communication and signposting our staff so they can make informed decisions on any support they need.

The award has assisted in improving communication and developing relationships with staff on all levels. The step challenge we held proved to be an excellent engagement tool and we intend to roll this out again this year.

- Roundel Manufacturing Ltd, Sunderland

We wanted to engage with our employees and provide a platform for everyone to improve their health and wellbeing at work but also support their families at home.

It has provided a focus for our Health & Wellbeing activities in the workplace and the support / information we receive from our workplace health leads has been invaluable in helping shape different campaigns rolled out across the business.

- Gardner Aerospace, Consett

We wanted to help and support our employees by giving them access to tools, resources and information to improve their health – physically and mentally, both in the workplace and in their personal lives.

We have really enjoyed participating in the award over the years. It allows the team of Health Advocates to show our creative side and brings people across both sites together, fostering a sense of community within the organisation. It also shows our employees that we care for their wellbeing by focusing on the topics that matter to them most.  

- Seqens Custom Specialties , Middlesbrough
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