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Award Ambassadors

Ambassador Status was established in 2015 to recognise those employers who demonstrate both long-term commitment and  outstanding practice around workplace health and wellbeing, not only achieving but consistently going above and beyond at every stage of assessment.  The status involves being both an internal and public Ambassador for workplace health and wellbeing and the Award, mentoring other employers and sharing best practice.

Retention of Ambassador Status will require successful reaccreditation at every subsequent ME assessment submission.

2023 Achievers

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - reaccreditation

Education Partnership NE - reaccreditation

Jarrow School

Stagecoach Walkergate

We wanted to provide staff with the tools and awareness to improve their health and wellbeing as well as improving communication and signposting our staff so they can make informed decisions on any support they need.

The award has assisted in improving communication and developing relationships with staff on all levels. The step challenge we held proved to be an excellent engagement tool and we intend to roll this out again this year.

- Roundel Manufacturing Ltd, Sunderland

The BHAW network provides an excellent forum to engage with other local businesses and organisations sharing best practices, knowledge and resources to improve colleague wellbeing.

Access to knowledgeable workplace support advisors and supportive community of members is hugely beneficial,  assessment framework helps us measure our progress, and enjoy learning from other businesses and services as we support each other.

- Durham Constabulary, Durham

The wellbeing of our colleagues is incredibly important to us. As an organisation we understand the impact and benefit a good wellbeing strategy brings. We also believe that wellbeing has to be an ongoing campaign, the focus has to be constant not just something you write about in a policy or the provision of good flexible benefits. The award provided structure for us to formulate that strategy and annual activities plans force us to think about a variety of offerings and initiatives.

It provides structure, idea and something to work towards. It helps us to think about better ways to engage people in what we do.

- Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe, North Tyneside

We chose to participate in the award programme as it is providing us with a structured and planned schedule of events and initiatives that supports our overarching health and wellbeing strategy and objectives. It is a key strand to use providing a holistic approach to our employees’ health and wellbeing.

The award programme has provided us with key benefits including pointers in data gathering, event planning and networking opportunities. The monthly health advocate meetings are invaluable in providing information on what local support is available to enable us to build up our calendar of events and provide relevant and engaging content to our employees on a variety of health topics.

We are excited to be part of this programme and look forward to progressing through the differing levels to provide real benefit to our workforce. This will ensure we continue to put health at the heart of Hitachi.

- Hitachi Construction Machinery Ltd, Bronze

Our Hospice values the health and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers and the award is a fantastic way to be able to formalise our approach and provide a structure and focus to delivering health and wellbeing campaigns to our workforce.

The award has helped us to plan and focus more strategically on our priorities for campaigns and events with regards to health and wellbeing, following the structure provided by the award and with support from our workplace health lead.

- St Cuthbert’s Hospice, Durham

As a top tier COMAH site our organisation prioritises the health and safety of our people. By equally investing in Health and Wellbeing we can further safeguard our workforce. BHAWA was the obvious choice for us to build on and strengthen our offering in line with our company values.

The framework has provided our business with the tools to understand the wellbeing needs of our rapidly expanding workforce. Through the support of our local coordinator, and collaborating with others, we have been able to develop a more robust health and wellbeing agenda and embed this into our culture.

- Sterling Pharmaceutical Solutions Limited , North Tyneside
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