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Award Achievers 2023

2023 Report


Age Concern Tyneside South

Alice House Hospice

Bankhouse Surgery

BEL Engineering

Boldon Auction Galleries

Caterpillar Skinningrove Ltd

Cell Pack Solutions Ltd

Chadwick Practice

Churchill Community College

Clearly Drinks Limited

Castles and Coasts Housing Association

Contec Inc

Country Style Foods



Dellner Romag

Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle

Durham Dales Health Federation

DWP Debt Management

Elis UK Limited

Essity UK Ltd

Foundation of Light

Good Time Childcare

Hartlepool & Stockton Health GP - Federation

Havelock Grange Practice

HMP Frankland

HMP Low Newton

Knight Frank - Riverside Sunderland

Komatsu UK

Marelli Automotive Ltd



Newmedica Newcastle

NHS North East North Cumbria ICB

North House Surgery

Northern Rights

Northumberland Wildlife Trust

Norton Medical Centre


Origin Integrity Management

Peacocks Medical Group

Pinfold Medical Practice



Sandhill View Academy

Sea Change Café & Arts Venue

Silverdale Family Practice

Sora Services Ltd

South Lakes Housing

Southlands Medical Group

Sunderland Empire Theatre


Teams Medical Practice

Teesside Hospice

Trade Interchange

Verisure Services (UK) Ltd


Wear Recovery

Westbourne Medical Group



Advance Learning Partnership Central Support


Global Substation Solutions


Hitachi Construction Machinery UK

HMP Durham


Kelly Park Limited

Mary Astell Academy

Minth Automotive (UK) Company Ltd

Nixon Hire

Northern Housing Consortium

Primary Healthcare Darlington

St Joseph's RC Primary School

Stagecoach North East - Hartlepool

Stagecoach Stockton (Maintaining silver)

Stagecoach Sunderland

Sunderland GP Alliance

Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust

TyneRede Accountancy Ltd

Westoe Crown Primary School




Amphigean Limited

Authentix Security Print Solutions Limited

Avery Dennison

Benfield Park Medical Group

Cobalt Hospital

Community Pharmacy Tees Valley


Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust - County Durham 0-25 Children’s Service

Houghton International Electrical Services Limited

Husqvarna UK Limited

International Centre for Life

New College Durham

Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd


Oxclose Community Nursery School

Oxford Terrace and Rawling Road Medical Group

PROPS North East


RML Group

Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd

South Tees NHS Foundation Trust

The Glasshouse International Centre for Music

Together for Children


Tudhoe Learning Trust

University Centre Quayside (UCQ)

Wear Referrals

Continuing Excellence

Adient Seating UK Ltd

Asset 55 Ltd

Bazaar Group

Beyond Housing

EMG Solicitors

GEM Partnership

Jobcentre Plus Gateshead

Karbon Homes

Miller UK Ltd

Newcastle Carers

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS FT

Optimum Skills Ltd

Physiotherapy Matters

Queensway Dental

Stagecoach - Slatyford Depot

Sterling Pharma Solutions

Team Fostering



Maintaining Excellence

Acklam Grange Secondary School

Advance Northumberland

AGE UK North Tyneside Group

Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe limited


Alpek Polyester UK Ltd

Atom Bank

Barclays Bank Sunderland Contact Centre

Bernicia Group Limited

Capita (North Tyneside)

Cleveland Fire Brigade

Community Foundation Tyne & Wear

and Northumberland

Connect Health

County Durham & Darlington Fire & Rescue Service

County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Cygnus Support

Daikin Applied (UK) Ltd

Durham Constabulary

Durham County Council

DWP Retirement Services

DWP Tyneview Park Blocks B&D

DWP Wearview House

EDF Energy

Education Partnership North East

Education Training Collective

Egger (UK) Limited

Environment Agency

Families First (North East)

Ford Aerospace Ltd

Foundever GB Ltd

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Ltd

Gateshead College


Groundwork NE and Cumbria

Groundwork South and North Tyneside

Grundfos Manufacturing

GXO Wynyard

Hartlepool Borough Council

Hitachi Rail Limited


Irwin Michell LLP

Jarrow School

Kasai UK Ltd

Kerrie's Cherubs Childcare

Legal Aid Agency

Leica Biosystems

Middlesbrough College

Muckle LLP

Navigator Terminals North East

Nestle Dalston

Newcastle Building Society

Newcastle City Council



North East Local Enterprise Partnership

North of England Commissioning

Support (NECS)

North Tyneside Council


Northumberland College

Northumberland County Council

Northumbria Healthcare NHS

Foundation Trust

Northumbrian Water

Palram DPL

Pioneering Care Partnership

Procter and Gamble Technical

Centres Ltd

Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council

RENOLIT Cramlington Ltd

Robson Laidler Accountants Limited

Seaham Pension Centre DWP

Seqens Custom Specialties

SHPP Manufacturing UK Ltd

South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

South Tyneside Council

St Cuthbert's Hospice

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Stagecoach in Newcastle

- Walkergate depot

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

SUEZ TeesValley

Sunderland City Council

Sunderland Cluster Jobcentre Plus

Teesside University

The Banks Group Ltd

The Hub at Quorum Business Park

Thermo Fisher Scientific

thyssenkrupp rothe erde UK Ltd

Tyne Coast College

Tyne Housing Association

UCFS DWP Middlesbrough

Service Centre

WM Morrisons PLC

YMCA North Tyneside

Your Homes Newcastle

ZF Peterlee

As we work in an office, we wanted to take part in the award to help our staff become more healthy and to live a healthier lifestyle, with the hope that it would improve staff morale and productivity.

We’ve received fantastic feedback from staff about how much they’re enjoying the campaigns we are running for the award and noticed that staff are more motivated and there’s a positive atmosphere in the office. We are also enjoying being creative with our campaigns, learning more information about health and wellbeing!

- TyneRede Accountancy Ltd, Northumberland

We wanted to provide staff with the tools and awareness to improve their health and wellbeing as well as improving communication and signposting our staff so they can make informed decisions on any support they need.

The award has assisted in improving communication and developing relationships with staff on all levels. The step challenge we held proved to be an excellent engagement tool and we intend to roll this out again this year.

- Roundel Manufacturing Ltd, Sunderland

We started the award in 2020 as we were keen to help improve the wellbeing of our employees, particularly post covid. One of our values is putting people first, and we felt like this was a step in the right direction to achieve this.

We now have a team of 10 passionate health advocates to help improve the wellbeing in the office. It’s a great feeling when the office looks forward to the health campaigns and want to be involved. It feels as though the work we’re doing is benefiting our employees.

- Tritility Business Energy Consultants, Sunderland

We participated to provide a further structure, focus and sustainable framework to our wellbeing programme.

The Award offers full support in terms of co-ordinator and resource information including best practice ideas and structured targets to aim for  – it feels like we’re working together rather than in a silo!

- Northern Housing Consortium Limited, Sunderland

We wanted to give an equal focus on the health of our staff as well as the safety and we have seen a massive improvement in staff’s wellbeing because of our work with the award.

It has helped us formalise our Health & Wellbeing Strategy and we now have a clear plan, with clear key campaigns identified by our staff to focus on.  The information and guidance available online and the support available and networking opportunities is fantastic.

- Age UK North Tyneside, Maintaining Excellence

We wanted a structured approach to improving the health of employees tapping into the support available and taking the opportunity to benchmark with other organisations to help us improve the health and wellbeing of our people.

The award has been successful in helping us organise dedicated teams and resources as we work through the criteria. So far the campaigns have been very well received by our people and our new Wellbeing strategy has helped us to bring this all together in a framework all our staff understand.

- END. Clothing, Sunderland
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