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Reap the rewards of building a healthy workplace

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Welcome to the Better Health At Work Award portal

The Better Health at Work Award recognises the efforts of employers in the North East and Cumbria in addressing health issues within the workplace.  

The award scheme is FREE, flexible and open to all employers in the North East and Cumbria, regardless of size, location or type of business.

Many organisations already promote healthy lifestyles and consider the health of their employees.  This Award will recognise the achievements of these organisations and help them move forward in a structured and supported way.
For those organisations who have not considered promoting health at work, taking part in this award will help you reap the rewards of encouraging a healthy workforce.

The business case

Promoting a healthy workplace has considerable benefits for employers and can lead to decreased absenteeism, increased productivity and improved performance.

The business case

Award criteria

There are 5 levels  – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Continuing Excellence and Maintaining Excellence, with appropriate criteria at each stage to build into an Award Portfolio.

Award criteria

Case studies

Read about our success stories, covering a wide variety of organisations across the north east.

Case studies

Organisations are given up to a year per level, but there is flexibility for those who need it. Every employer/organisation who signs-up to participate in the Award scheme is supported by a dedicated Workplace Health Improvement Specialist.

Taking part in the Award does not affect the participant’s obligation to comply with the law, including health and safety and employment law.  It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure they are legally compliant in these matters and, therefore, the awarding body cannot be held accountable for any shortfalls in legislative compliance as a result of participation in the scheme.

The BHAW network provides an excellent forum to engage with other local businesses and organisations sharing best practices, knowledge and resources to improve colleague wellbeing.

Access to knowledgeable workplace support advisors and supportive community of members is hugely beneficial,  assessment framework helps us measure our progress, and enjoy learning from other businesses and services as we support each other.

- Durham Constabulary, Durham

The award is beneficial to the organisation as it prompts us to think outside the box, extend our health and wellbeing support into new and important areas that we might not necessarily touch upon usually; and it also holds us to account for conducting high quality, meaningful campaigns.

We joined the Award to ensure that our health and wellbeing work goes above and beyond the requirements outlined by the NHS health and wellbeing framework, helping to ensure that we support our colleagues across a variety of areas and that we can demonstrate excellence in doing so.

- Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, Bronze 2021

A healthy workforce is a happy workforce.  Grundfos puts its people first and we want to ensure all of our employees are healthy and well which is why the award is an ideal opportunity to drive this ambition and show the recognition for this drive to the workforce, our customers and the general public.

The award has provided a perfect driver for our health and wellbeing campaigns and ensures we are always kept on the right track and up to date with the latest strategies and wider community initiatives.  The award website provides lots of extremely useful resource material to support our campaigns.

- Grundfos manufacturing, Sunderland

We wanted to engage with our employees and provide a platform for everyone to improve their health and wellbeing at work but also support their families at home.

It has provided a focus for our Health & Wellbeing activities in the workplace and the support / information we receive from our workplace health leads has been invaluable in helping shape different campaigns rolled out across the business.

- Gardner Aerospace, Consett

We wanted to be able to share wellbeing initiatives we were proud of but at the same time receive feedback on anything that was missing or could be enhanced.

Love being part of the Award process - gives structure to our wellbeing plans for the year and showcases the amazing work our people do to support each other and our teams.

- EDF Energy, Sunderland

We chose to participate in the award programme as it is providing us with a structured and planned schedule of events and initiatives that supports our overarching health and wellbeing strategy and objectives. It is a key strand to use providing a holistic approach to our employees’ health and wellbeing.

The award programme has provided us with key benefits including pointers in data gathering, event planning and networking opportunities. The monthly health advocate meetings are invaluable in providing information on what local support is available to enable us to build up our calendar of events and provide relevant and engaging content to our employees on a variety of health topics.

We are excited to be part of this programme and look forward to progressing through the differing levels to provide real benefit to our workforce. This will ensure we continue to put health at the heart of Hitachi.

- Hitachi Construction Machinery Ltd, Bronze
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